Maine Coons Kitten Breeding

Kitten availability 2024


A very good breeder friend of mine has one male kitten available early March 2025

He is a brown classic tabby – excellent standard and a big friendly boy. His pedigree name is Casselmaine Aries.

Please phone or email myself for further info      Thank you   >^^<


I have no kittens at present – sorry.    We will have kittens in Spring & Summer 2025.

The next plans are for our blue classic tabby girl Hope. She hasn’t selected her Beau just yet but we will update as soon as the romantic weekend is arranged.

 Here is Hope – she is now sixteen months old with a super coat and ruff. She has a super friendly and affectionate nature – and a lovely long tail.

Please email or telephone for more information and to go on the waiting list. Thank you >^^<

01257 433 676         or mobile    07881   580    285

PLEASE NOTE ……………………..

If a “breeder” you may be looking into is not on the list with The Maine Coon Cat Club and/or registered with the GCCF

ask yourself why ?      take your time and do your research.

Do not be fooled by breeders who claim to have rare lines or some such nonsense.

This breed originated in AMERICA –  not Russia or anywhere in Europe etc etc

 So there are NO “rare” Russian / Polish / European lines.

Maine Coons DO NOT  have blue eyes unless they are a completely all white Maine Coon.

There is a genetic mutation called Wardenberg Syndrome – this can produce blue eyes in other colours such as a silver or brown tabby etc.

This is a faulty gene and makes the kittens’ heads misaligned – i.e.  small eyes set far apart, and / or a very broad nose.

  Those kittens look more like possums with a long snout / nose.

You want a solid, kind looking Maine Coon, a open pretty faced expression and a fluffy coat – kittens should be “chocolate box pretty”  See photos atached.

All pedigrees must go back to the founding cats first registered in the USA.

 The average price of full pedigree, registered Maine Coon kitten  is around £1400   (2024)

If you wish to pay £2000 and over then you are enabling the kitten farmers i.e. those who are breeding and selling in excess of a hundred kittens per year to have a very nice life at your expense, and probably to the detriment of their breeding cats/conditions.



I breed brown, blue, red classic tabbies – these are the original colours and patterns.

Also red / and blue tortie tabbies and solid whites

Please see examples of  colours in gallery section

*** I reserve the right to cancel any sale or agreement at any time ***

Kittens can leave at 13-14  weeks to permanent   INDOOR   homes only.

All kittens are neutered  before leaving

GCCF registered and with a four generation pedigree

HCM  PKDef, SMA negative

All white queens are BAER tested and are negative i.e. no fault found and are fully hearing.

All kittens leave NEUTERED, fully vaccinated, wormed and microchipped

With 4 weeks insurance cover and a kitten guide, diet sheet and toys

AVAILABLE I’m still looking for my new home
OPTIONED Someone is interested in me – but enquires still welcome
RESERVED Someone has put a deposit on me
SOLD I have found my new loving home
UNDER EVALUATION I may be breeding / show quality and am being watched to see how I develop / staying with us