Maine Coons Kitten Breeding

Robbie – Show neuter

GRAND PREMIER Anglezarke Robinson – Robbie

Brown Classic Tabby & White

d.o.b. 03.07.17

sire:   Purdyston Waldo Culpepper

dam:   UK Supreme I GR CH Isadoryou Drama Queen

Robbie is staying with us as our show neuter – he has a wonderful friendly, laid back nature – a fabulous clear tabby pattern and loves to be at the shows. He did well in all his kitten classes – winning Overall Best SLH Kitten in two out of three shows.

He is now seven years old and a still an absolute darling – a great ambassador for the temperament of this breed.

Everyone who comes to visit to look at kittens always say – “Oh I’ll take Robbie too please” !  🙂

We have had a very successful showing career with him but he is now retired –  but he sometimes goes on exhibit so he can spend more time with his admirers !